Enjoy This Moment / by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein

Image Credit: Marion Parke

Image Credit: Marion Parke

Friday Musings…

When working with brands the one thing that’s imperative to note today is “being in the moment”. It’s important to NOT be distracted by everyone else. Clear out the #FOMO and instead go in and listen to what you know is right for you.

I listen to my clients ever-changing needs and it’s like a dance; we take it day by day, week by week, with the aim of reaching loftier goals for the business. While being in the moment, we find that the answers come clearly, and our intentions remain pure and focused.

Have you ever heard of what is called a BRANDING MOMENT? Sometimes called the NEW-AGE Branding Moment?

These are moment of joy or delight. When the emotions and logic come together to experience a moment, and this moment makes a lasting impression.

People are now researching before they buy, off or online, and they are sharing their experiences which forces brands to engage and care about their digital presence and communications. It all boils down to the simple things:

“Work through the full experience from intro, to buy, to exchange/return, to sharing. Introduce an element of MEANINGFUL surprise or delight to enhance the experience. Innovate, be creative and deliver something truly worth it’s price.” - Caroline Rothwell

Be true. Be honest. Stay focused. Be in the moment. Never stop believing.