new normal

Gratitude Is Your Superpower by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein

Gratitude is life changing in every sense of the word. Think of it like this, when you buy a new car, you suddenly start seeing that car everywhere on the road. The same goes for gratitude. If you acknowledge it at the beginning and end of every day, you will be blown away at everything you have to be grateful for. Throughout your day you will slowly but surely be picking out all the special things you have to be grateful for in your life that you won’t be able to fit it all in your journal and if you ask me, that is a great problem to have.

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Under Promise & Over Deliver by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein


Always deliver more than expected.

I don’t sell to, but connect with, my clients. I listen and then lead when needed. Being my best self allows me to deliver a quality service, solution, or support to a growing team. And, I never take that lightly. Finding real joy and sentiment in building quality relationships. It’s ease, but not always easy. By delivering more than expected, we allow ourselves to grow along with the process in those precarious moments.

-Caroline Rothwell

Image Credit: Vogue Paris

Imaginable, and Possible by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein


What is imaginable, is possible.

Never give up the creative pursuit. Be inspired, remain hopeful.

Caro works with emerging and growing designers, ventures, and businesses to realize their potential and line up their strengths. Creatively developing unique and beautiful strategies, campaigns and communications.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution." -Albert Einstein

It's hard to find anything you can't sell online - ask Bezos by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein


Amazon is a force. We have a client who was facing closure, before their official launch in late March. Today they are a fully scaled business and Amazon distribution was at the core of their success. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Times are changing. Technology is growing. But one important thing to remember is that aside from social media, ads and affiliate marketing is the need for innovation, creative strategies and media exposure and endorsement. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Contact CARO, we would love to hear your story and help you gain more meaningful exposure, long term strategies and growth for your business during these unprecedented times. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
What’s the future look like for you?

Progress, not Perfection by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein


We are right where we are.

All of us are different, have different skill sets, strengths and weaknesses. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
What we do with what we have, right now, is what leads to progress. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Stop worrying about being perfect, and instead focus on acceptance and making a little more progress today than you did yesterday.

Something We Can Believe In by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein


We would have liked the OPTION to take the red or blue pill, versus being thrown down this rabbit hole.

This new 2020 reality has challenged us and gotten us out of our comfort zone, disrupted our sense of place, purpose and identity. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Through this comes transformation; a renewed sense of faith in what life CAN truly be. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
We have found that we are inspired, taking action, speaking up and continuing to build. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Let’s get into business with a new set of eyes. Focused on a life we can all be proud of, for generations to come.

What To Do About Data by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein


Image Credit: Dorian Legret

Data makes many people cringe. To think of our privacy being infringed upon, is a growing concern for many who are finding their “private” conversations instigate a populated advertisement to their devices.

Everyone is now accustomed to immediacy and ease, striving for perfection via apps and tools offered by Google, Apple and Android.

We are living on free-turned-affordable tools offered by every mid to large company doing business online. But at what cost? At what point do we ask for our right to privacy and at what cost? Is that even possible at this stage? What happens to third parties in need of marketing data, will it always be available for free to low cost? Or are we walking into a trap?

Special note: If interested to learn more about data privacy rights, every year on the 28th January is the internationally recognized Data Protect / Privacy Day. The purpose of Data Privacy Day is to raise awareness and promote privacy and data protection best practices. 

Our Minds Are Blown Open by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein


Our minds are officially blown, daily. ⠀

How do you stay on track with your daily goals, give back to your communities and maintain mental, spiritual and physical wellness? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
We work hard to focus our attention and the clients’ attention on solutions, the joyful moments, and the opportunities that arise even when things are challenging. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
How are things materializing for you? We are manifesting a lot right now. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Share any moments recently when you were happily surprised by an unexpected outcome.

Remember Free Hugs? We Miss Them Too by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein


Woke up today and realized how many great huggers I’ve met in my life. Work is work, but there are so many moments when kindred spirits unite and stay forever in each other’s worlds.

Socializing lost its luster at times, feeling overwhelmed by packed calendars and commitments. But now I daydream of those many splendid moments. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Mixers with PR Net, gatherings at NeueHouse, shows at PDW, and gallery exhibits at Guggenheim and MOCA. Over the past 15+ years in the business I am missing the hugs and the connection we took for granted. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Our own event concert Blanc Series (@blancseries) was just getting off the ground, but halted by Covid’s arrival. Shall we reignite the “conscious women in creative industries” platform? Last event was with TRR, Beauty Counter, and some amazing women in beauty, sustainable, fashion, architecture and fine art.

Stay safe everyone and let’s keep our sights on creating a safer world for us, so we can all start hugging again soon.

Focus On Your Foundation by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein


As I close up my yoga practice this morning I can’t help but walk away feeling more “grounded” both literally and figuratively. Grounding is how we connect with ourselves, create balance and fortify our foundation. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Beyond the myriad of online tools, and tech resources, and courses there is the beauty and strength that lies within each of us. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Take time today to work on your foundation and that of your venture or business. Identify the needs from the wants and care for the needs immediately. You will find that what you don’t put off today, only makes you more resilient tomorrow.

To Put It Simply - VOTE by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein

Screen Shot 2020-10-22 at 12.13.21 PM.png

“There’s no such thing as a vote that doesn’t matter.” -Barack Obama

They’re fun. They’re history. They save the USPS.

An archive of my grandfather’s stamp collection, with stamp designs mostly from the 1950s to the 70s. This first edition of 25 was designed, printed, sewn and binded by myself, as part of a final thesis for my worktrade fellowship with the IPRC.

144 pages
Letterpressed vellum enclosure
5.5 x 8 in (13.97 x 20.32 cm)
Signature-sewn binding
Edition: 25

$40 donation ︎ Email to pre-order
Free shipping in US

We can do so much better. by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein


We can do so much better, yes?

What are you called to do today?

“To earn the respect (and eventually love) of your customers, you first have to respect those customers. That is why Golden Rule behavior is embraced by most of the winning companies.” – Colleen Barrett, Southwest Airlines President Emerita

How can you show up and serve?

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” – Albert Einstein

In which way do we connect with those around us, and is it mutually gratifying and beneficial?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

“We are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. Our actions and states of mind matter, because we are so deeply interconnected with one another.” –Ram Dass

Enjoy This Moment by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein

Image Credit: Marion Parke

Image Credit: Marion Parke

Friday Musings…

When working with brands the one thing that’s imperative to note today is “being in the moment”. It’s important to NOT be distracted by everyone else. Clear out the #FOMO and instead go in and listen to what you know is right for you.

I listen to my clients ever-changing needs and it’s like a dance; we take it day by day, week by week, with the aim of reaching loftier goals for the business. While being in the moment, we find that the answers come clearly, and our intentions remain pure and focused.

Have you ever heard of what is called a BRANDING MOMENT? Sometimes called the NEW-AGE Branding Moment?

These are moment of joy or delight. When the emotions and logic come together to experience a moment, and this moment makes a lasting impression.

People are now researching before they buy, off or online, and they are sharing their experiences which forces brands to engage and care about their digital presence and communications. It all boils down to the simple things:

“Work through the full experience from intro, to buy, to exchange/return, to sharing. Introduce an element of MEANINGFUL surprise or delight to enhance the experience. Innovate, be creative and deliver something truly worth it’s price.” - Caroline Rothwell

Be true. Be honest. Stay focused. Be in the moment. Never stop believing.

2020 : Welcome to the Matrix by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein


Something To Believe In

We would have liked the OPTION to take the red or blue pill, versus being thrown down this rabbit hole. 💊

This new 2020 reality has challenged us and gotten us out of our comfort zone, disrupted our sense of place, purpose and identity.

Through this comes transformation; a renewed sense of faith in what life CAN truly be. We have found that we are inspired, taking action, speaking up and continuing to build.

Let’s get into business with a new set of eyes.

Focused on a life we can all be proud of, for generations to come.

Unprecedented Times, Reinvention of the Agency by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein


These are unprecedented times. In the last 15 years we have continued to re-invent the agency…    

I believe we all have a story with a beginning, middle and end.  Over the past 15 years, we have seen the evolution of the global marketplace, digital landscape, culture, trends and influentials within our global industry.

The industry has needed a wake-up for many years. Racism and greed took a hold for too long, and it’s now time for us to move forward in justice and peace. There is much to create, explore and discover. And room for everyone in this business to have a chance to express themselves, have a seat at the table and to make a living doing what we love. I sing from the rooftops, in my home and community and in all I stand for as a woman, mother and entrepreneur: black lives matter, always have and always will.

Both my personal epithet, and a name that characterizes the agency’s ethos, CARO means beloved, valuable, dear.  It’s the planet and its people that have been at core of my efforts at CARO. 100% of the CARO employees have been women since day one. It brings me great joy and sense of well-being and purpose to know that I have served and supported so many women over the years, imparting all I know and letting them spread their wings to be the best they can be in life. CARO has grown from an emerging agency to a coveted asset. 

2020 is a year of dramatic change and holds tremendous opportunity for creativity and growth, despite the uncertainty. Our work with clients, small and large, through the highs and lows, has allowed us to develop tremendous insights and resources which we pass along to support our clients now.  Now it’s me, with my network of amazing talented photographers, publicists, writers, models, stylist and media relationships I have nurtured all these years. I am working directly with each of my clients in partnership, for long term growth.

Caro’s longevity is due to our unique and compassionate approach; unwavering commitment to our clients; our ability to evolve over time; listening along the way to the needs of our clients and their customers; to readily anticipate needs and desires in the marketplace; to think creatively and with passion; to communicate clearly our vision and our clients vision.

We understand that having an enduring freshness, prosperity, or fame comes from being true to the brand, consistent with messaging, and connected with audiences in a consistent and meaningful way.  If you find you would like some time talking with a professional, I invite you to book a call with me.

CARO is always aimed at realizing maximum and well-aligned exposure for its brands, and continues to be a trusted  partner of fashion designers, agencies, showrooms, retailers, and tech innovators of all sizes, from around the world. 

I look forward to seeing what the future holds. Continue to express yourself, and protect the planet.

Love and light!

Caroline Rothwell-Gerstein / Founder & President, CARO


Fresh Start, 2020 by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein

Caro has been a life journey. 2020 is the return to the protection of the planet and our own unique self-expression. I look at my past for clues to this new frontier we are embarking on; my background and studies in environmental politics; having written for businesses and designers; telling their stories, and broadcasting to audiences. Where are you in this journey?

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