The day you decide that you are beautiful, both inside and out, is the day your life begins.
Now, I say it like it is that easy because it is easy to wake up everyday and say ‘Wow, I am so powerful and the most beautiful person who has ever dared to walk this Earth’. That’s the easy part. The hard part that everyone, including myself, struggles with is believing it.
There’s no shortcut to confidence or self love. You have to put in the work and sit with yourself, unlearn everything you have been told is ‘you’ and find out who you really are for yourself.
First things first, start manifesting. Writing and repeating manifestations every morning has changed my life, my perspective, and my attitude. Even something as simple as repeating in the mirror everyday
“I radiate beauty and confidence from the inside and out.”
Is a whole game changer. And don’t get me started on meditating and journalling. Start small, maybe five minutes every morning, and work it into your daily routine. You hear it all the time from wellness gurus and what not but practicing journalling and meditation truly teaches you what living with intention and gratitude is.
Next - I need you to know one very crucial thing. Literally nobody cares. Nobody cares what you’re doing, what you’re wearing, what you look like - more than you do.
It’s the spotlight effect. Obviously, you’re the main character and the center of your world because why the heck wouldn’t you be. It’s easy to forget that that is also the case for everyone else. They are focused on themselves and not you!
Which leads me to my next point and arguably my most important one.
Not a partner, not your parents, not a coworker, not a friend, not even your best friend, and most definitely not the rude guy who bumped into you on the train the other day. No-one but yourself can define your worth.
Be so in love with yourself and everything you deserve in this life that you don’t even give a second thought to what others define you as because you know who you are and that is more than enough.
When you define your worth, you define everything else about you. If you wake up one day and think you’re the smartest, most beautiful, most hilarious, and charming person alive. Well then YOU ARE! So start acting like it and you will be a amazed at what you attract into your life.