Stop Crying On Your Birthday / by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein

It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to was not meant to be taken seriously

Image Credit: @gigihadid via Instagram

Ask your self this. Why are you crying every year on your birthday? Now, there is nothing wrong with crying. There is always a purpose for a good cry and we love emotional intelligence as much as the next person but your birthday should be a celebration!

We’re all aging at the same rate, year after year. And all we do in every stage of life is look forward to the next one. But once we’re there we don’t even soak it in and appreciate it. It’s cheesy, but you once were wishing to have everything you have now so appreciate it like a younger you once would have!

Imagine how much more fun your life would be if you enjoyed where you are right now and actually relished in the journey to wherever you’re going.

You will never be able to help the fact that every year you get one year older and you can’t change that your life is going to look different at every stage. So stop fighting it and lean into the change. Everything good in my life has come from leaning into what brings me joy and passion. Leaning into life is just as important as not running away from it. Enjoy the process of aging and focus on all the wonderful wisdom it is giving you versus the superficial things it may be taking away.

Lean into everything that is natural, which I hate to break it to you, includes aging.