What To Do About Data / by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein


Image Credit: Dorian Legret

Data makes many people cringe. To think of our privacy being infringed upon, is a growing concern for many who are finding their “private” conversations instigate a populated advertisement to their devices.

Everyone is now accustomed to immediacy and ease, striving for perfection via apps and tools offered by Google, Apple and Android.

We are living on free-turned-affordable tools offered by every mid to large company doing business online. But at what cost? At what point do we ask for our right to privacy and at what cost? Is that even possible at this stage? What happens to third parties in need of marketing data, will it always be available for free to low cost? Or are we walking into a trap?

Special note: If interested to learn more about data privacy rights, every year on the 28th January is the internationally recognized Data Protect / Privacy Day. The purpose of Data Privacy Day is to raise awareness and promote privacy and data protection best practices.