The Perfect Elevator Pitch Formula / by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein


Finally…a real excuse to not take the stairs.

Image Credit: Vogue

If you don’t know, an elevator pitch is precisely what it sounds like. You’re in an elevator and the dream investor you’ve been trying to set up a meeting with to fund your brand happens to walk in right behind you. This is your moment. But in this moment you don’t have a typical meeting timeline on your side - you have at maximum two minutes (if you’re lucky and the building is extra tall) to get your point across and sell yourself and your brand.

Here is where the elevator pitch comes in. In essence, an elevator pitch is simple, but simple and easy are not synonymous. It can be extremely difficult to fit everything you and your brand are, do, and stand for into a couple sentences. The road to the perfect pitch requires patience and prioritization. Say that five times fast.

But seriously, it doesn’t have to be stressful. Nobody knows your brand better than you do, so nobody knows it’s most important pieces better than you do. And you’ve always got us to kick you off with our elevator pitch formula to get you started.

The Perfect Elevator Pitch Formula:

I am ______

I help ______

Do ______

So they can______

Just fill in the blanks and you’ll never take the stairs again!