
You Are More Than Enough by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein

Image Credit: Harper’s Bazaar

“I have been at probably every powerful table that you can think of. I have worked at nonprofits, I have been at foundations, I have worked in corporations, served on corporate boards, I have been at G-summits, I have sat in at the U.N. They are not that smart."

-Michelle Obama

As women, we can be taught to shrink ourselves. It is almost second nature to set ourselves on fire in order to keep someone else warm. To make ourselves as small as possible in order to make someone else more comfortable. To apologize for everything.

Stop saying sorry for everything. Your thoughts are valid, your questions are valid and you are more than good enough. There are so many people that are in rooms they may not be qualified to be in for the sole fact that they went for it. Someone, quite possibly less intelligent, less creative, less passionate than you - is living your dream life because they believed in themselves.

They took the plunge and they went for it. Beginning is half the battle and the other half is retraining your brain that your imposter syndrome is something you made up in your head.

You are powerful and you can change the world. As long as you believe it, you can do it.

Gratitude Is Your Superpower by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein

Gratitude is life changing in every sense of the word. Think of it like this, when you buy a new car, you suddenly start seeing that car everywhere on the road. The same goes for gratitude. If you acknowledge it at the beginning and end of every day, you will be blown away at everything you have to be grateful for. Throughout your day you will slowly but surely be picking out all the special things you have to be grateful for in your life that you won’t be able to fit it all in your journal and if you ask me, that is a great problem to have.

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Raise Your Vibration by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein

A Brief Compendium of Copycat Cribs.png

How is your state of being?

We are finding this seemingly never ending quarantine to be a time to “go in” and recalibrate on every level. How do we use this time to raise our vibrations?

The answer is simple. Be conscious with your thoughts and formulate them with intention.

Find something beautiful and appreciate it, be conscious of the foods you eat, drink water, meditate, be grateful, practice acts of kindness, & get your blood pumping. We love you and we are here for you always.

XO Caroline

Image Credit: @messynessychic

No Is a Complete Sentence by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein


Eat no for breakfast.

All women can relate to moment when they quieted their voice, were tempted to silence their position, and also when they chose to confidently voice themselves without compromise.

As we head into this new year, lets think about what is no longer serving you, your brand, or your business. Then apply this powerful word “No” as you make a choice about what is best for you and what you value.

Be it your own voice in your head saying “No, you can’t do that!” or your peers, family, or even strangers…stand with conviction and well…eat those No’s for breakfast today. You deserve it.

Image Credit: Vogue

Under Promise & Over Deliver by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein


Always deliver more than expected.

I don’t sell to, but connect with, my clients. I listen and then lead when needed. Being my best self allows me to deliver a quality service, solution, or support to a growing team. And, I never take that lightly. Finding real joy and sentiment in building quality relationships. It’s ease, but not always easy. By delivering more than expected, we allow ourselves to grow along with the process in those precarious moments.

-Caroline Rothwell

Image Credit: Vogue Paris

Something We Can Believe In by Caroline Rothwell Gerstein


We would have liked the OPTION to take the red or blue pill, versus being thrown down this rabbit hole.

This new 2020 reality has challenged us and gotten us out of our comfort zone, disrupted our sense of place, purpose and identity. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Through this comes transformation; a renewed sense of faith in what life CAN truly be. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
We have found that we are inspired, taking action, speaking up and continuing to build. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Let’s get into business with a new set of eyes. Focused on a life we can all be proud of, for generations to come.